MyEG- EIS,Our POS sysem has been Certified by EIS GST Custom Malaysia.

(吉隆坡22日讯) 7月1日起,关税局将在餐饮,零售及娱乐这3大领域内的6大行业选出特定的注册消费税商家进行 "电子信息系统 EIS" 试跑计划。
即日起,使用关税局EIS 认证的POS 软件, 就可以省下更换系统的烦恼。
EIS电子信息系统 是一台能接收,发送,收存,报告及打印输入的实时信息,记录所供应的商品服务及所接收的款项。
但是商家不必担心资料外泄,关税局EIS 系统是不能拿走公司机密和其他资料的。
📞016-778 2401/ 019-2862401
📞, 以获得EIS 电子信息系统的安装安排。
(Kuala Lumpur News) On July 1, GST Customs Malaysia will randomly select GST Registered company which are F&B, Retail Shop, and Entertaiment business for install EIS system Malaysia.
According from Ministry of Finance, new rule that published on 15 June, the six major industries are F&B , Hardware Shop, Grocery Store, Bookstore, Pharmacy and Entertainment related companies.
Now, if you are using POS system that was certified by GST Custom Malaysia, you can save the time and problem for changing pos system.
EIS Electronic Information System is a device that can receive, send, save, report and print out the information by real time. On the same time, EIS system will record item and services and the real time transaction. But Owner are not have to worry about data leakage and EIS system won't not take any PNC business information.
If you received notification letter from the GST Custom Malaysia, please inform us immediately
📞016-778 2401 / 019-2862401
📞, in order to get installation and arrangement for EIS electronic information system.
#Our POS sysem has been Certified by EIS GST Custom Malaysia.
Information Source From:【独家】装仪器收集资料防逃gstbr-餐饮零售娱乐业/